Preventive, Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry

Dentures that can’t be beat in Hackettstown.

A denture is a removable dental appliance and a replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissue. They are made to closely resemble your natural teeth and may even enhance your smile.
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Preventive, Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry

Dentures that can’t be beat in Hackettstown.

A denture is a removable dental appliance and a replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissue. They are made to closely resemble your natural teeth and may even enhance your smile.
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Types of dentures.

There are different types of dentures available, which include partial dentures and full dentures. Partial dentures are used to fill in the gaps left by missing teeth, while full dentures replace all of your natural teeth once they have been removed or extracted.
A complete denture can be either a conventional denture or immediate denture. A denture is considered to be “conventional” if it is put in place after the removal of any natural teeth but before all of the soft tissues have healed. While an immediate denture is placed as soon as the teeth are removed, before any tissues have healed. This allows for the patient not needing to go without teeth for a period of time. Once the patient’s gum tissue has healed there may be some adjustments that need to be made.

Reasons someone might need a denture.

Some common reasons people might require dentures are because of:
  • Ntooth decay
  • Nperiodontal disease
  • Ngingivitis
  • Ntooth loss from an injury
  • Neeth that need to be removed due to crowding or other dental issues.
Patients that are missing teeth or living with injured teeth may find that they are not able to chew their food as well or speak as clearly. Dentures can assist with these issues by providing a replacement for the natural teeth. Patients may even find that their digestion is better after getting dentures as they are now better able to chew their food.

Cost of dentures.

The cost of dentures will vary depending on the type of denture you need as well as the materials used. Full dentures tend to be more expensive than partial dentures, and immediate dentures are typically more costly than conventional dentures.

It will also depend on whether your dental insurance has denture coverage. If it does, dentures may be covered in part or in full depending on your plan.

If you are curious as to whether a denture would be covered for you, our friendly front desk team would be happy to look into that for you.

The denture process

The denture process can take some time and may require multiple visits to the dentist.
Once it has been decided that dentures are the best option, the next step is to have any remaining teeth removed.


The first step

Depending on whether you are going with a conventional denture or an immediate denture, the denture process will be slightly different.


Conventional denture

If you are opting for a conventional denture, your gums and jawbone will need to heal before dentures can be placed. This typically takes anywhere from 2-6 months.During this healing period, a temporary denture may be used to help with any discomfort or speech issues while you wait for your mouth to fully heal. After healing is complete, dentures can then be fabricated and fitted into place.


Immediate denture

Using an immediate denture means that there is no healing period required between extraction of teeth and denture placement. However, as these dentures rest on soft tissues, they may cause some irritation until those tissues have healed over time. In the case of an immediate denture, you will have impressions taken of your mouth prior to having the teeth removed. This allows for the dentures to be ready for you to use as soon as your teeth are removed.

Aftercare for dentures

Caring for dentures is not as difficult as one might think. Just like natural teeth, dentures need to be brushed daily to remove food particles and plaque. A denture brush or a soft-bristled toothbrush can be used to gently brush your dentures.

You should also soak your dentures nightly in either water or a denture-soaking solution to keep them from drying out and to remove any remaining plaque. Be sure to handle them with care as they can break if dropped.

It is also important to visit your dentist regularly to have your dentures checked and cleaned.

Frequently Asked Questions


Will dentures feel uncomfortable?

It is common for dentures to feel a bit strange or loose at first. This is normal and will take some time getting used to.

Do dentures need to be removed?

Yes, dentures should be removed at night so that your gums can rest. They also need to be removed for cleaning both during the day and at night.

Can I eat with dentures?

Absolutely! You may find that you have to adjust how you bite and chew your food at first, but with a little practice, it will become second nature.

How often do dentures need to be replaced?

Dentures typically need to be replaced every 5-7 years.

How can I tell if my denture needs to be replaced?

If your denture starts to feel loose, causes you pain, or has visible cracks or chips, it is probably time for a new one.
If you have any other questions about dentures or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (908) 852-8858.

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Contact Us


Dr. Gary Vander Vliet

Dr. K Dermoumi

Preventive, Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry


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Hastings Commons, Building 2B;
486 Schooley’s Mountain Road;
Hackettstown, New Jersey 07840


Office hours

Monday 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Tuesday 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Wednesday 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Thursday 8:00AM – 5:00PM