
Do It Yourself Orthodontics

Recently, mail order braces and at-home teeth aligner kits have become very popular. They seem appealing, as they are advertised as affordable and convenient. While at-home kits might seem like an ideal solution to a busy lifestyle, they are NOT the miracle fix that...

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12 Dental Tips for the Holidays

1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Carol while you clean: for two minutes each time. The average person brushes for only 30 seconds. 2. Floss at least once a day. If you don’t floss, you are not cleaning 35% of your teeth surfaces. 3. Avoid those candy canes...

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December Newsletter

Happy Holidays! We would like to wish all of our patients a very happy, healthy, and safe holiday season. Thank you for letting us take care of your beautiful smile! A Very Merry Gift Idea… It is that time of the year ago! Not sure what to get your loved ones for the...

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12 Tips for a Healthy Halloween

Halloween is around the corner, which for most children means bags of free candy and a chance to build a stockpile of sweets for the winter. No surprise, Halloween can also present parents with a variety of healthy and safety challenges. It’s OK to eat that candy on Halloween but it’s important to have a plan.

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6 Terrible-For-Your-Teeth Foods

Brushing, flossing, tongue scraping, and regular professional cleanings aren’t enough to keep your teeth in excellent condition. What you do to maintain a healthy smile is just as important as what you don’t. Avoiding certain foods and drinks that can damage your...

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May Newsletter

Meet Kim! Kim is new to the dental field. She was excited to join Dr. Vander Vliet’s team because she likes the energy and positivity of the office. Kim recently moved to the Hackettstown area with her husband, son and dog Maxine. She enjoys going on hikes, cooking,...

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Dental Erosion

We all enjoy eating food and drinking all sorts of beverages! Did you ever wonder why certain foods and/or drinks are better than others when it comes to dental health? When we talk about “dental-friendly” foods, the first variable that typically pops into our mind...

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Dental Implants

A dental implant is a replacement for the root of a tooth. Dental implants are made of medical grade titanium. Implants are posts surgically placed into the upper or lower jaw bone. You may want a dental implant if: -You have a missing tooth or teeth. -Your dentures...

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The Explosive Truth About Vaping

Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling the water vapor produced by an electric device called an e-cigarette or vaporizer. The device delivers a nicotine hit by heating a nicotine-containing propylene glycol (also used in antifreeze) to create an aerosol, usually...

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