2025 January Newsletter – Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Wishing all of our patients and their families a happy and healthy 2025! May the new year bring you positive changes and prosperity!

New Years’ Resolutions…

 It’s that time of year again, where many of us make wonderful resolutions but have trouble following through. If one of your resolutions is to improve your overall health, then that includes your oral health as well! Did you know: If you always have a chronic inflammatory condition in your mouth, you never turn off the process of inflammation in your body? Vascular disease coupled with inflammation causes events such as heart attack or stroke. So please call us today to schedule your hygiene visit! Improving your oral health improves your overall health, and that checks one resolution off your list!

New Year…New Dental Insurance???

 January is the time for dental insurance changes – before your next visit, please let us know if your dental insurance has changed.  This way we can have your new coverage set up in our system before your next appointment.  It’s okay if you don’t have a new insurance card – many carriers don’t send them anymore. All we need is the insurance company name, member ID number, and insurance phone number.   

It’s Winter, “Weather” you Like it or Not…

Winter brings many challenges, not the least of which is snow and ice.  We make every effort to reach you if your appointment might be affected by the weather.  Please help us by making sure we have the updated contact information for you.  Cell phone numbers and email addresses may change, and sometimes patients forget to update their info with us.

Dental Fun Fact

In the 1800’s, people who had false teeth in England ate in their bedrooms before gatherings and events at the dinner table. This unique Victorian tradition protected them against the embarrassment of having their teeth ‘fall off’ while dining.

Listen to Dr. V

92.7am, 104.7fm first Friday of every month at 8:10AM
Contact Us


Dr. Gary Vander Vliet

Dr. K Dermoumi

Preventive, Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry



Call us



Hastings Commons, Building 2B;
486 Schooley’s Mountain Road;
Hackettstown, New Jersey 07840


Office hours

Monday 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Tuesday 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Wednesday 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Thursday 8:00AM – 5:00PM