The office of Dr. Vander Vliet Advanced Dental Care have always utilized the latest technology in providing superior dental care to our patients.
November Newsletter
Time to Give Thanks! In a long-standing tradition of harvest season and being thankful for the abundance of produce the earth has yielded to sustain us, November is truly a time of giving thanks. In the spirit of thanksgiving season, families gather, bountiful meals...
Will Going to the Dentist Benefit Me In Fighting Off COVID-19
Periodontal disease is a risk factor (co-morbidity) for COVID-19 illness. The mouth is the portal to your body and the portal to a healthy life. In a study conducted by a team of international scientists found that patients who have been Hospitalized with COVID-19...
Why You Shouldn’t Delay Visiting the Dentist During a Pandemic
#1 Question: Is the Dental Office Safe? Dentists are accustomed to constantly be thinking about infectious-disease risk. As novel as the Coronavirus pandemic is to the world, it is not the first time dentists have had to manage disease control. Examples include...
September Newsletter
NJ Top Dentist! This month we congratulate Dr. Vander Vliet on being named a 2020 top dentist by New Jersey Monthly magazine for the third consecutive year! Only dentists who were voted in by their peers were chosen to be a top dentist! The September issue of New...
July Newsletter
We’re Back!!! In case you didn’t hear, we are open for business! We returned on May 27th full time, and have been seeing patients for all procedures. We have been trying to reach out to all patients who have missed an appointment during the COVID-19 shutdown. If you...
Home Remedies for Minor Dental Emergencies
If you are experiencing severe pain or swelling, you should call your dentist. Here are some tips for more minor problems: If you have a broken tooth that is painful or has a rough edge, you can use a product called “Dentemp” which is available at your local pharmacy...
Five Tips Every Parent Should Know about their Children’s Dental Health
Many of our patients are under the assumption that we do not treat children which could not be farther from the truth. Dr. Vander Vliet and our hygienists are wonderful with kids, and we welcome them into our practice. So if you are thinking about scheduling an appointment for your child or children, please do! We would love to meet them!
Do It Yourself Orthodontics
Recently, mail order braces and at-home teeth aligner kits have become very popular. They seem appealing, as they are advertised as affordable and convenient. While at-home kits might seem like an ideal solution to a busy lifestyle, they are NOT the miracle fix that...
12 Dental Tips for the Holidays
1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Carol while you clean: for two minutes each time. The average person brushes for only 30 seconds. 2. Floss at least once a day. If you don’t floss, you are not cleaning 35% of your teeth surfaces. 3. Avoid those candy canes...
December Newsletter
Happy Holidays! We would like to wish all of our patients a very happy, healthy, and safe holiday season. Thank you for letting us take care of your beautiful smile! A Very Merry Gift Idea… It is that time of the year ago! Not sure what to get your loved ones for the...
12 Tips for a Healthy Halloween
Halloween is around the corner, which for most children means bags of free candy and a chance to build a stockpile of sweets for the winter. No surprise, Halloween can also present parents with a variety of healthy and safety challenges. It’s OK to eat that candy on Halloween but it’s important to have a plan.